"Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year is an opportunity for the contestants to exchange food culture around the world through photography."
Khanh Phan - Multiple-Finalist
"The quality of photographs being submitted has become a very high level. This makes the competition so thrilling. I would recommend entering Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year; you get so much international attention, there is no better way to promote your work."
Remko Kraaijeveld - Multiple-Finalist.
"I highly recommend entering the competition for many reasons. First and most important, the contest sets a standard and will propel you to do better work throughout the year. Second, you will be a part of something exciting and inspiring in the world of food and wine photography. Third, those who are fortunate enough to be shortlisted will enjoy the prestige that comes with this highly regarded international photography contest."
Suzanne Becker Bronk - Errazuriz Wine Photographer of the Year 2022
"It is wonderful that you are giving photographers from all around the world the opportunity to present their talent to a broader public."
Diana Kowalczyk - Pink Lady® Apple a Day 2022
"I find competitions like this a great opportunity to connect with like-minded people and get your work out there."
Zeynep Marnikovic - Food Film Shorts 2022
"Without a doubt, the Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year project is the most exciting when it comes to photography related to gastronomy. Each photo is a lesson in beauty and creativity"
Ferran Adria - President of elBullifoundation
"I don't normally enter competitions. However, having seen the quality of entries in previous Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year competitions and the diversity of stunning imagery from around the world, I decided that I would like to put faith in my own work and hopefully contribute to the promotion of photography as a force for good. The competition is an excellent shop window for stunning photography from around the world. I regret not entering it sooner."
Harry Williams - Food in the Field 2021
"I do not usually enter competitions but entered Pink Lady® because the imagery is so stellar and the contest focuses specifically on food and wine."
Suzanne Becker Bronk - Errazuriz Wine Photographer of the Year 2022
"As a food photographer, the competition is by far the pinnacle of the food photography year, and it absolutely sets the standard of what is the best innovative work in food photography around the world. It is a really important way for me to push myself to see if I can create the best images possible, and to reach the latter stages is always a truly humbling experience. After all the ways it has benefitted me as a photographer, I can't imagine not entering!"
Robin Goodlad - Pink Lady® Apple a Day 2021
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Open to professional and amateur, old and young
The awards celebrate the very best in food photography and film from around the world
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